I've always admired Alan Watts eversince I "discovered" him by reading his book Psychotherapy East and West many years ago. I read that book so many times it became one of my favorites.
That was before I started serving our parish as a catechist and as pastoral worker.
After years of serving the parish it slowly dawned on me that he is advocating a philosophy not in accord with the catholic religion. In spite of it, I kept the book.
But one day as I was reading a book written by a priest associated with the Catholic Charismastic Movement, I decided to throw the book away.
I regretted that act.
Alan Watts is still one of my favorite writers and I value what I learned from his philosophy.
Is he a Buddhist?
Is he advocating New Age Philosophy and Religion?
Is He an atheist?
I think he is none of the above.
To me , he is a sort of an enlightened man.
Someone who uses his mind and senses to follow the way of truth.
He recognizes silence as an essential tool to the realization of truth.
He is at home with the universe. He is in tune with nature and the nature of being by being one with nature.
He doesn't proselytize. He entertains. He facilitates. He guides.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from him:
"Spiritual awakening is the difficult process whereby the increasing realization that everything is wrong as it can be flips suddenly into the realization that everything is as right as it can be.Or better,every-thing is as IT as it can be"